Code of Conducts of Students



Uniform is compulsory for all students on all days including days of examination and special classes.
The length of the churidar top should be enough to cover the knee. The side slits of the churidar should be of restricted length and back zip is not permitted.
T-shirts are strictly prohibited in the college campus on all days including vacations.


All students must wear identity cards on all days including days of examinations, special classes and vacations.


Perfect discipline and decorum should be maintained in the class rooms, campus and outside
Students shall always behave with dignity and courtesy.
Students should deposit waste in the bins provided.
Students shall not disfigure the walls, windows or furniture by writing on them or drawing pictures or sticking bills.
Students should greet their teachers on the occasion of their first meeting within the college.
Students shall rise from their seats when teacher enters the classroom and shall take seats only after he/she has taken his/her seat or beckons them to sit.
No students shall enter or leave the class without permission of the teacher who engages the class.
Students shall not loiter through corridors or along the verandahs during class hours.
Students shall not smoke or chew pan or gum in the premises of the college or the hostel
Students are not allowed to organize or attend any meeting in the college without the prior permission of the Principal.
No notice or petition of any kind shall be circulated among the students or pasted on the notice board or anywhere within the college premises. Students shall not collect money for any purpose without the written permission of the Principal.
Students who go to other colleges or institution to take part in acts of indiscipline such as demonstration or strike will be punished.
No students or office bearer of any association shall give any matter regarding the activities of the college to the media without the approval and permission of the Principal.
Possession or use of fireworks anywhere in the campus is prohibited.
Students should leave the campus as soon as classes are over. If any student for any reason wants to remain in the college after class hours he/she should get the prior permission from the Principal for the same. No such permission is needed for using the library/reading room after class hours.
Promotion to higher class, selection for University Examination and issue of progress, attendance or conduct certificates are matters absolutely within the discretion of the Principal.
The principal shall have the right to issue Transfer Certificate, to a student admitted to the college, without an application from the student or the Guardian, at any time during the course of study in the college.
No collective representation from students will be entertained.
Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to class work, obscenity in word or act are sufficient reason for the permanent or temporary dismissal of a student.
Students shall always maintain utmost decency in their interaction with fellow students. Any instance of harassment will be viewed very seriously and invite stringent punishment.
Students should read the notifications put on the notice board every day before they leave the college. Failure to look at the notice board will not be an excuse for any omission or commission.
Course and conduct certificate will ordinarily be issued only with TC when the student leaves the college after the completion of the course.
Attendance of the parent in the PTA meeting is compulsory.
In the case of violation of the rules and regulations of the college the principal shall have the power to inflict the punishments like fine, cancellation of attendance, withholding of term certificates, forfeiture of educational concession and scholarships, suspension, compulsory issue of T. C., expulsion etcโ€ฆ


No students shall be absent from the class without leave. The reason for leave shall be clearly stated.
Application for leave should be submitted, countersigned by Guardian /Dy-Warden with the recommendation of the Group Tutor before availing leave. Late application will not ordinarily be considered.
Students coming to the class late or leaving the class early shall lose half dayโ€™s attendance.
If a student is absent for one or more hours either in the forenoon session or in the afternoon session he/she will lose half days attendance. If he/she is absent for one or more hours in both session he/she will lose attendance for one full day.
The application for leave of absence, for more than three days, due to illness the application for leave should be supported by a Medical Certificate. Medical Certificates should be submitted on attending classes immediately after illness. Medical Certificates submitted at the end of the semester for earlier days of illness will not be entertained.
The Certificate of Attendance and Progress (APC) required for admission to the University Examination will not be granted unless the Principal is satisfied that the studentโ€™s conduct, progress and attendance are satisfactory.
In the case of inmates of the Hostel ,the Dy.Warden shall countersign all applications for leave.
A student who is continuously absent for 14 working days without sufficient reason and proper intimation to the principal of the college shall be removed from the roll Benefit of attendance may be granted to students who attend the approved activities of the College / University with prior concurrence of the principal. It should be limited to 9 days in a semester.
Participants in such activities should submit the attendance/participation certificate immediately after the completion of the event. In no case late submission of these documents will be entertained.
A student shall be permitted to appear for the semester examination, only if he/she secures not less than 75% attendance in each semester. Condonation of shortage of attendance to a maximum of 9 days in a semester subject to a maximum of two times during the whole period of a degree programme may be granted by the University. Application for condonation of shortage of attendance shall be submitted to the university through the principal.
The application in the prescribed form shall be accompanied by a chalan for Rs.775/- The reason for each dayโ€™s absence should be stated. If the absence is on account of illness a Medical Certificates also has to be submitted.
The Principal will recommend no application for exemption unless he is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was due to causes beyond the studentโ€™s control. Ordinarily only long continued illness will be accepted as a plea for condonation of shortage of attendance. Absence without leave will not be condoned under any circumstance.


In addition to the University examinations at the end of each semester class tests and internal examinations will be conducted from time to time. Serious notice will be taken if the absence is without leave in such tests and examinations.
A progress report will be sent to each parent or guardian after the terminal examination giving details of progress in studies of each student and the attendance gained by the student together with remarks of the group tutor and Principal.
Malpractice at the examination will be viewed as grave offence and will be dealt with seriously.
Absence from examinations will be regarded as a serious breach of discipline and will render the students concerned liable to disciplinary measures.
No examination will be conducted for the benefit of absentees. Students absenting from the selection or promotion examination will normally have no right for promotion or selection even if leave of absence is granted on Medical or other grounds


Fees will be received at the office counter between 9.30 am and 3.30 pm on all working days.
Students should always obtain a receipt from the office for any payment made by them and keep it for future reference.
Every student is liable to pay the prescribed fees for the entire semester during any part of which his/her name remains on the rolls of the college.
If the fees with the fine are not paid within the last working day of the semester the name of the student will be removed from the rolls of the college. To get re-admitted all arrears of fees with fine should be remitted after obtaining special permission from the Principal. Such re-admitted students are eligible for attendance only from the date of re-admission.
When the due date for any payment happens to be a holiday the next working day will be treated as due date. Fees once collected will not be refunded.
TC/ Course completion certificate will be issued only after clearing all the dues to the college


Usage of Mobile phones by students is strictly prohibited in the College Campus
Students are not permitted to bring multimedia phones, digital Cameras and tablets to the College Campus.
Ordinary Mobile Phones can be brought to the College campus but it should be in the switched off state inside the Campus.
A fine of Rs. 1000/- will be charged from the student for keeping Multimedia phones in the college campus.
A fine of Rs. 500/- will be charged from the student for using ordinary mobile phones in the college campus. In the case of confiscation of mobile phones, the same will be returned only to the parent after paying the required amount of fine
If the fine is not paid in time it will be collected at the time of issue of hall ticket/ TC which ever is earlier.


Students shall park vehicles only at the designated places and as per the directions of the security staff. Violation of parking regulations will be considered as a serious act of indiscipline.
No vehicle shall ever park in such a manner as to block or obstruct another vehicle, front gate, walkway, doorway or drive way at anytime for any reason.
The operation of any motorized or non-motorized vehicle is prohibited on the college building and verandahs.
Vehicles remaining on campus for more than twenty four hours will be considered abandoned and will be reported to the Police.
Vehicles shall not be parked on campus after class hours without prior approval of the Principal.
Students should neither mount on the parked vehicles nor should sit in the parking shed.

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